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Over thirty years ago I lost my family tragically. I love children and wanted a bunch of my own. I did the next best thing. I started helping orphans around the world. First it was only support then I decided to try my hand at running an organization that helped orphans. Across the years I have seen many children come through the doors.



In 2004 a Massive Tsunami hit three of my homes in India on the east coast. I lost 30 children and 6 adults. My wife and I sold about everything and packed our bags with all the medical supplies we could cary and headed off to India to rescue my kiddos.

After the Tsunami work was done and things cleaned up I added more orphans and widows to my homes. I then came home to start earning more money to support them. I have never been much on fund raising. I am not famous enough. I would rather work hard and earn what I needed.


Life has a way of showing me that I need to change things. When the earthquake hit Hattii I sent food in and waited for clearence to personally travel there. Funds were tight and I realized I had to let other people help.



​I discovered when Hatti's earthquake happened that I needed to allow others to take part in my rescue efforts. There are people who were looking for someone they could back that they could have good accountability. Unlike organizations who advertise a lot and spend 90 percent of their donations on overhead. I have never been paid of my efforts and was 98% of the funding for the work I have done.


Now is the time I am inviting people to come along side of me and help me to find out the truth about the damage from the Fukishima Nuclear accident. Are our fish and the seafood from the Pacific full of radiation and unsafe to eat. We have recently learned you cannot trust the FDA to test and find out. I am not asking anyone to risk their lives and come with me, just be a part of the back up crew and help to assure this hazardous mission is completed satisfactorily. I envision it taking over a year to survey the entire Pacific ocean and get samples of seafood from all corners of the Pacific. I will report in daily with that days findings as I believe there will be significant evidence that will effect decisions people make in their eating habits prior to the completion of this mission.

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